Articles Posted in Maryland State Crimes

A few weeks ago I defended Baltimore County Police Officer Christopher Spivey in a use of force assault case.  After listening to 3 days of testimony and evidence, the jury took less than 30 minutes to find him not guilty of all charges.  Then at least six members of the  jury waited around to shake Officer Spivey’s hand and thank him for his 10 years of service to the community as a police officer.

The Maryland Assembly has recently passed the Justice Reinvestment Act which is generally aimed at significantly reduces Maryland’s prison population. Our partner, Judge Joe Murphy (ret.) played a key role in formulating much of this legislation. The legislation passed the House by a vote of 122-19 and the Senate 46-0. Gov. Hogan is expected to sign the bill into law this spring.

Many major policy changes are highlighted below in this text but include a unique opportunity for inmates serving mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses an unprecedented opportunity to return to court and ask for a sentence modification.

Some other highlights to the bill include:
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Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon Convicted of Fraudulent Misappropriation. Maryland Criminal Attorney discusses whether this count is a Misdemeanor or a Felony and whether or not the Mayor is subject to a mandatory minimum jail term of one year.

As many have now heard Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon was convicted by a jury today of count four of the indictment that she was facing. This count was Embezzlement – Fraudulent Misappropriation by Fiduciary is a Misdemeanor although one that carries a maximum prison term of Five years in prison. The jury apparently acquitted her of all other counts including count one – Felony Theft which is a felony that carries a maximum penalty of fifteen years in prison. So what conduct constitutes Embezzlement – Fraudulent Misappropriation by Fiduciary?
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Maryland Criminal Attorneys are often called upon to represent represent women charged with prostitution. Today, I defended a young women who was charged with solicitation for the purpose of prostitution after a police officer answered the advertisement that she had posted on Craigslist. Ordinarily I wouldn’t blog about such a common and unremarkable case, but the case took on added significance to me in light of the Craigslist murder case in Boston that is receiving national and international attention.

The Boston Craigslist murder case reminded all of us who work in the legal profession just how much risk these girls undertake when they agree to have sex with strangers for money whether they advertise on the internet or stand on the street corner. Indeed the judge today commented at length on that issue during the sentencing phase of the case and specifically referenced the Boston murder case.
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Trademark Counterfeiting is usually seen by Maryland Criminal Attorneys in Baltimore and throughout the State in the form of counterfeited movies and compact discs. Many people are surprised to hear that it is not only a serious criminal offense but can even be a felony depending upon the total retail value of the counterfeited merchandise possessed by the defendant.

I have a new client who was recently charged with possession of counterfeited movies in Baltimore County Maryland. He is a resident of Connecticut and was merely passing through Maryland when he was profiled by a Maryland Transportation Authority Police Officer just prior to entering the Harbor Tunnel. The client, who is a young African American man, acknowledges that he was speeding as alleged by the police officer but everyone knows that he wasn’t really pulled over for travelling 62 in a 55.
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As one of the largest and most experienced criminal defense firms in the State of Maryland, Baltimore based Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin & White is experienced in handling state criminal cases throughout Maryland. The majority of criminal cases we handle are in the District and Circuit Courts of Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Harford County, Carroll County, Montgomery County and Prince Georges County. We also regularly handle cases in Frederick and Washington Counties.

Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney who represented a man in the Howard County determined that under Maryland Criminal Law his client in Howard County murder case was guilty of being an accessory after the fact to murder. In the case which is featured in the Baltimore Sun today. A Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer determined that the fact that his client drove the killer to an apartment the day after he claimed he had killed someone and purchased bleach for him to wash his clothes were sufficient to convict him of being an accessory after the fact to the murder he committed.
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