
Maryland Criminal Attorney Blog


Trafficking Narcotics with Firearms Count DISMISSED – Client Avoids Mandatory 5 Year Sentence

As Aggressive Maryland Criminal Attorneys, the Criminal Defense Team at STSW represents scores of defendants each year who face Mandatory Sentences that must be served without parole for violating Narcotics and Firearms Laws. I have written about many of these cases in the past as they tend to be among…


Can a Domestic Violence Protective Order of Peace Order be Expunged?

Aggressive Maryland Criminal Attorneys and Domestic Attorneys are frequently confronted with the issue of whether or not Domestic Violence Protective Orders or Peace Orders can be expunged. This is an extremely important question given how readily available court information now is on the internet. Anyone with a computer or even…


Excellent Outcome in Difficult and Emotional Automobile Manslaughter Case the most difficult cases that Maryland Criminal Attorneys find themselves involved in are These cases are always tragic but they become even more so when the person who is killed is a passenger and close friend or family member of the driver. Most of these cases involve young…


Another Ridiculous Shooting Range Gun Charge a Baltimore Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney I have represented dozens of people who have been charged with being in possession of a handgun after being convicted of a felony, a crime of violence or any other disqualifying crime. Many of these prosecutions have been meritorious cases in which the…


Trafficking Narcotics with Firearms Case Successfully Defended

As an Aggressive and Experienced Baltimore Maryland Criminal Attorney, I have handled thousands of felony narcotics cases including Possession with the Intent to Distribute CDS and Distribution of CDS cases. These cases are serious matters in and of themselves with the potential of serious incarceration for a defendant. These cases…


Craig’s List Sting Operations for Solicitation of Minors for Sex Cases on the Rise

As a full time Maryland Criminal Lawyer and former Baltimore County Prosecutor practicing exclusively in the criminal arena for almost 20 years, I have handled more Sex Offense Cases (on both sides of the aisle) than I can recall. Recently we have seen an uptick in the number of Craig’s…


Should I Take the Breathalyzer if I am Pulled Over for DUI/DWI

As a Maryland DUI/DWI Attorney I am frequently asked by friends and acquaintences whether they should take the breathalyzer if they are stopped for suspicion of Driving Under the Influence . This question is almost invariably followed by the statement, “because I have always heard that you should never take…

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